

  • Experimental Study on Possibility of Soil Moisture Regulation by Bottom Irrigation System in Rooftop Vegetation with Rainwater Storage
  • ウスイ チョリュウガタ オクジョウ リョッカ ニ オケル テイメン カンスイ システム ノ ドジョウ スイブン セイギョ カノウセイ ニ カンスル ジッケンテキ ケンキュウ



<p>  Rainwater use and rooftop vegetation can be considered as one of the primal means for mitigating environmental problems encountered in urban areas, such as urban flooding and heat island. However, urban areas are too crowded for installing these facilities. In this paper, Rooftop vegetation with rainwater storage is created that is more flexibly than existing ones because of their less restriction on some constraints. It consists of two containers: an upper container for vegetation and a lower one for storing rainwater. Stored rainwater is supplied to the upper one by bottom irrigation system which consists of two kinds of fibrous sheets: one is horizontally placed on the upper container bottom for distributing the water into the soils and the other is connected vertically under the former for transporting the stored water to upper one. Some experiments are conducted for examining the ability of regulating soil moisture. Experimental results indicate that moisture movements to the upper in vertical fibrous decrease with increase in the distance from rainwater surface to the bottom of upper container, which affects moisture movements in horizontal sheet in quantity and the speed. Therefore, it is suggested that the present bottom irrigation can regulate soil moisture.</p>


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