Application of Logistic Function to Synthesis Process of MFI-type Silicalite from Quartz

  • NAGATA Hideo
    Dept. of Chemical and Biological Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Sasebo College
  • KAWAHARA Soichiro
    Dept. of Chemical and Biological Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Sasebo College
  • WATANABE Tetsuya
    Dept. of Chemical and Biological Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Sasebo College
  • TANAKA Yasuhiko
    Dept. of Chemical and Biological Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Sasebo College
  • HAMADA Hiroyasu
    Dept. of General Education, National Institute of Technology, Sasebo College

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Other Title
  • 石英からのMFI型シリカライト合成過程へのロジスティック関数の適用

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<p>A logistic function was applied to analyze the synthesis of MFI-type silicalite from raw materials with different sodium hydroxide/quartz ratios. A linear equation (f(t) = at + b), a square-root equation (f(t) = a√(t) + b), and a logarithmic equation (f(t) = aln(t) + b) were used, all of which were functions of synthesis time. Parameters a and b were determined by the least-squares method. Using the logarithmic function (f(t) = aln(t) + b) gave the highest correlation with the experimental results. The slope, a, was almost independent of the synthesis conditions, whereas the intercept, b, varied greatly. In addition, the values obtained for the length of the induction period and the crystal growth rate using the calculated parameters were in good agreement with the experimental results.</p>


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