Characteristics of generic skills in undergraduate students aiming to be a teacher or childcare worker
- Nishikawa Kiyoshi
- Department of Education, Kansai University of Welfare Sciences
- Hotta Chie
- Department of Education, Kansai University of Welfare Sciences
Bibliographic Information
- Other Title
- 教員・保育者を目指す大学生のジェネリック・スキルの特徴
- 教員・保育者を目指す大学生のジェネリック・スキルの特徴 : 職業レディネスを高めるために培うべき力とは
- キョウイン ・ ホイクシャ オ メザス ダイガクセイ ノ ジェネリック ・ スキル ノ トクチョウ : ショクギョウ レディネス オ タカメル タメニ ツチカウ ベキ チカラ トワ
- What skills they should cultivate for increasing their vocational readiness
- 職業レディネスを高めるために培うべき力とは
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Concrete cultivated generic skills for student aiming to be a teacher or childcare worker are still unknown. The aim of this study was to find out the concrete one in generic skills. We asked one-hundred fifty nine undergraduate students, first to senior years, offered at education faculty to take Progress Report on Generic Skills Test, consisted of Literacy and Comptency Skills. Moreover, forty-four third year students of them were asked to check Vocational Readiness Test, related to vocational preference and self-confidence. As the results, we obtained the two main findings. First was that students in this study were lower than those offered at education faculty in private university and were unfilled an expected skills for working of teacher or childcare, which were (1) discovering the problem as a Literacy, and (2) cooperation, (3) continuing activities, (4) managing stress, (5) uniqueness, (6) motivation to learn, and (7) independence as a Competency. Second, high performance of the above skills as a Competency, but not as a Literacy could lead to the high score of preference and self-confidence in students. For future direction, it is necessary to create a program how to cultivate these skills during four-year university education.
- Journal of Human Environmental Studies
Journal of Human Environmental Studies 17 (2), 97-103, 2019
Society for Human Environmental Studies
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1390283659838881280
- NII Article ID
- 130007784283
- NII Book ID
- AA11879150
- 18837611
- 13485253
- 030234064
- Text Lang
- ja
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- JaLC
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