
  • 前川 知里


  • Activities of Calligraphy Associations in the Meiji Era
  • 明治期における書道団体の動向 : 山腰弘道と大日本選書奨励会を中心に
  • メイジキ ニ オケル ショドウ ダンタイ ノ ドウコウ : ヤマ ヨウ コウドウ ト ダイニホン センショ ショウレイカイ オ チュウシン ニ
  • Hiromichi Yamakoshi and Dainihon Sensho Shorei Kai
  • ―山腰弘道と大日本選書奨励会を中心に―



<p>  Several calligraphy associations, such as Konohana Kai, Nihon Shodo Kai and Hosho Kai, were established in the Meiji era, and famous calligraphers at that time include Gado Ono, Shundo Nishikawa and Meikaku Kusakabe. On the other hand, Dainihon Sensho Shorei Kai led by Hiromichi Yamakoshi has not been given much attention thus far. </p><p>  Dainihon Sensho Shorei Kai held Sensho Tenrankai at the exhibition site in Ueno Park from 1892 onward. After the fourth Naikoku Kangyo Hakurankai in 1895, exhibitions stopped including a calligraphy section during the Meiji era; moreover, there were no public calligraphy exhibitions. In this environment, Sensho Tenrankai was an exhibition for contemporary calligraphers and effectively served as a public exhibition for calligraphers under the age of 20, who were expected to lead the next generation. It was thus a very important opportunity for calligraphers at that time. Shunkai Bundo, who later organized Nihon Shodo Sakushin Kai and successfully held exhibitions at Tokyo-fu Bijutukan, also submitted his works to Sensho Tenrankai and earned a good reputation. Sensho Tenrankai was, so to speak, the predecessor of later large-scale public exhibitions such as Nihon Shodo Sakushin Kai. </p><p>  Hiromichi had connections in politics. Leveraging these and responding to the trends in the art world, he worked to promote calligraphy earlier than Sao Watanabe and others. He joined Nihon Shodo Kai in the late Meiji era and played a central role in its administrative work, significantly contributing to the promotion of calligraphy. While other artists dedicated themselves to the movement to establish art museums in the Meiji era, calligraphers organized movements to promote calligraphy, paying attention to the trends in the art world. In the present study, I investigate the activities of calligraphers and their associations, as well as exhibitions of calligraphy at that time ― especially Hiromichi Yamakoshi and Dainihon Sensho Shorei Kai ― to add further depth to our understanding of the field.</p>


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