Budget analysis of dissimilarity between turbulent heat and momentum transfer in wall turbulence

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  • 壁乱流における乱流熱・運動量輸送の非相似性に関する収支解析

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<p>The present work analyses heat transfer mechanisms in a turbulent channel flow subjected to a traveling wave-like wall blowing and suction. Due to the coherent nature of the control input, turbulence fluctuations are decomposed into its coherent and random components.</p><p>The budget analysis of their contributions to dissimilar heat transfer enhancement identifies the two key factors generating the dissimilarity. It is shown that the random contribution is dominant, and mainly caused by the indirect interaction between the coherent and random fields.</p>



    SEISAN KENKYU 72 (1), 15-18, 2020-01-01

    Institute of Industrial Science The University of Tokyo

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