Droplet Deposition Simulation with the Consideration of Evaporation and Viscosity Change

  • KADONAGA Masami
    Integrated Product Strategy Planning Section, Business Strategy Department, Commercial Printing Business Group, RICOH COMPANY, Ltd. School of Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology

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  • 蒸発・増粘を考慮したインクジェット着弾シミュレーション
  • ジョウハツ ・ ゾウネン オ コウリョ シタ インクジェットチャクダン シミュレーション

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<p>Numerical simulation model of free surface, with the consideration of water evaporation and viscosity change, is proposed to investigate droplet deposition phenomena of inkjet. The model includes moisture convection-diffusion analysis, and estimation of viscosity-change due to the evaporation. The behavior of droplet deposition on printing media is simulated, and the thickening on the surface of the droplet is reproduced. Behaviors of a sessile droplet are simulated with the consideration of evaporation and viscosity change, and the calculations show good agreement with the experimental observations. However, the simulation needs a lot of assumptions and parameter adjustments, and the consideration has made clear the problems of the model.</p>


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