A Qualitative Study of Formation process of Work Values and Beliefs in Experimental-learning in Mid-level employees Requiring Reflective Support
- Graduate School of Human Sciences, Waseda University
- OZAWA Shigeto
- Faculty of Human Sciences, Waseda University
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- 内省支援が必要な中堅社員の経験学習における仕事観・信念の形成プロセスに関する質的研究
- ナイセイ シエン ガ ヒツヨウ ナ チュウケンシャイン ノ ケイケン ガクシュウ ニ オケル シゴトカン ・ シンネン ノ ケイセイ プロセス ニ カンスル シツテキ ケンキュウ
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<p>In this study, semi-structured interviews were conducted with mid-level employees who require reflective support to find out the experiences that formed their work values and beliefs. The interviews were analyzed using the Trajectory Equifinality Approach (TEA). Results showed that through the experiences of “confronting the challenges arising from work,” “assuming new positions through transfers or reassignment,” and “having to deal with unexpected complications despite being entrusted with a high-responsibility job that must be completed alone,” the employees struggled with conflicts between the expectations and demands of superiors, colleagues, and clients and an organizational environment that concentrates on work achievement. The employees deepened their understanding of how they engaged with their work, not only through their experiences of success but also through those of failure. Through these, the employees became conscious of their work values and beliefs. Such work values and beliefs included not only “role norms as a functioning member of society,” “performing work autonomously,” and “contributing to others,” all of which had been advocated as appropriate work values and beliefs held by business people, but also “enhancing both personal and work life.” Finally, we examined the effects that reflective support provided by superiors had in establishing mid-level employees’ work values and beliefs, as well as supporting their growth toward becoming experts.</p>
- Japan Journal of Educational Technology
Japan Journal of Educational Technology 43 (4), 363-380, 2020-03-20
Japan Society for Educational Technology
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1390283659866008192
- NII Article ID
- 130007821911
- NII Book ID
- AA11964147
- 21896453
- 13498290
- 030396715
- Text Lang
- ja
- Data Source
- JaLC
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- CiNii Articles
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