Why Can the Public Health Nurse Continue Concentrating on Their Jobs in the Stricken Area of the Fukushima First Nuclear Power Plant Accident from the Disaster Direct Back to Today?


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  • なぜ保健師は,福島第1原子力発電所事故の被災地において発災直後から今日まで保健師活動を続けられるのか?

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<p>In this study, the authors performed a semi-structural interview for seven public health nurses continuing nursing jobs in the stricken area and analyzed the results qualitatively and inductively, aiming at clarifying if public health nurses for the Fukushima first Nuclear Power Plant accident are able to continue their jobs from the disaster direct back to today. The result revealed that [Support by families and workplace environments are the backing for public health nurses’ jobs even in disasters], [Support for evacuees who help health nurses’ jobs] and [Public health nurses, other specialists, staff members of the local government are the support of the public health nurses’ jobs at the time of the disaster]. In addition, under severe conditions that change every moment, public health nurses in the stricken area continue their jobs by [Flexibility of the public health nurses themselves for managing long-term disaster reconstruction work] considering the [Mission given to local government’s public health nurses for the radiation hazard]. Furthermore, it has been revealed that the nurses continue their jobs recognizing [To live in the disaster area together with evacuees is the driving force of public health nurse activities] in the public health nurses’ jobs, which seem to be endless.</p>


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