予後/アウトカム指標としての“Disability Registry”構築に関する政策レビュー:Care–focused Mature Societyに向けた健康の定義実現を目指して


  • Policy review on “Disability Registry” construction as a Prognosis ⁄ Outcome indicator in medical database : Toward the Proposed "Definition of Health for a Care-focused Mature Society"
  • ヨゴ/アウトカム シヒョウ ト シテ ノ"Disability Registry"コウチク ニ カンスル セイサク レビュー : Care-focused Mature Society ニ ムケタ ケンコウ ノ テイギ ジツゲン オ メザシテ



<p>Drastic reforms in healthcare are required in Japan. "Healthcare 2035" has been proposed to further de­vel­op healthcare and lead the world as a maturing nation. We introduced the following two policy recom­mendations to contribute to the new vision, 1) “Disability Registry” construction as a prognosis ⁄ outcome indicator in medical database, and 2) "Definition of Health for a Care–focused Mature Society": in a care–focused mature society such as Japan, the notion that "despite ‘social, physical, and mental challenges’ such as the disabilities acquired from trauma or disease, quality of life can be main­tained and that one ‘is able to’ self–manage and aim for "self–actualization" should be added to the future "definition of health"." Japanese healthcare policies and present situation which become background reasons requiring construction of “Disability Registry”, which is "Injuries ⁄ Diseases Medical Treatment, Nursing, Health, and Welfare Database" were reviewed. A system, established by collaboration among medical institutions, nursing–care facilities, administrative officials, etc. for the purpose of sharing patient information throughout the region and conducting medical treatment based on continuous information in the Yamaguchi Prefecture areas of Ube, Sanyo Onoda, and Miya, seemed to be useful for building the database construction as an example of regional advanced initiatives. It was thought that construction of the Disability Database will contribute to health promotion for the "Definition of Health for a Care–focused Mature Society" from the viewpoint of improving of information accessibility for all: including "people with disabilities".</p>


  • 神経外傷

    神経外傷 41 (1), 1-15, 2018-09-15

    一般社団法人 日本脳神経外傷学会

詳細情報 詳細情報について

