
  • 佐藤 真理子
    神奈川歯科大学総合歯科学講座 国立病院機構栃木医療センター臨床研究部
  • 石田 孝文
    国立病院機構栃木医療センター臨床研究部 神奈川歯科大学附属病院口腔外科
  • 岩渕 絵美
  • 岩渕 博史
    国立病院機構栃木医療センター歯科口腔外科 神奈川歯科大学大学院歯学研究科顎顔面病態診断治療学講座顎顔面外科学分野


  • Relationship between salivary flow rate and number of DMF teeth in patients with Sjögren’s syndrome



<p>Patient`s with Sjögren’s syndrome(SS)are prone to the development of dental caries as a result of reduced salivary flow. As no studies to date have reported on the association between improved salivary flow in patients with SS and caries prevention, we conducted a retrospective study on the influence of salivary secretion on the number of decayed/missing/filled(DMF)teeth. This study involved a total of 165 patients with a mean observation period of 57.7±8.62 months. The results showed a significant negative correlation between the change in the number of missing teeth from baseline to end point and the mean stimulated whole salivary flow(SWSF), which was based on the mean baseline and end point SWSF(r=−0.155, P=0.047). In addition, an increase in the number of missing teeth in patients with a mean SWSF not exceeding 6 mL/10min was observed compared to patients with a mean SWSF of more than 6 mL/10min. Logistic regression analysis showed SWSF to be a risk factor for increased number of missing teeth(OR=0.905, 95 % CI=0.832–0.985, P=0.021). During the observation period, although SWSF increased between baseline and end point, increase in SWSF did not prevent an increase of DMF. As this study showed that SS patients were susceptible to missing teeth with no clear evidence of reduced number of DMF teeth associated with increased salivation, the results suggest that SS patients require all available caries prevention interventions, including </p><p>not only salivary secretagogue, but also topical measures such as fluoride, antimicrobials and non-fluoride re-mineralizing agents.</p>


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