Literature review of nursing care for patients with post intensive care syndrome


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  • 集中治療後症候群(post intensive care syndrome;PICS)の看護に関する文献レビュー

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The purpose of this study was to examine the literature published in the previous 10 years on the nursing care for patients with post intensive care syndrome (PICS), to elucidate the trends nursing care for patient with PICS and discuss future tasks in Japan. A search of the literature was conducted using CINAHL, Pub Med and Japana Centra Revuo Medicina. Searches were limited to the English and Japanese language during the last 10 years. Finally, 14 reports were identified and groped by similar codes. The following main grouped could be extracted:“Progressive mobility”,“ ICU diary”,“ Recovery program and evaluation of program” and “Narrative of experience of after critical care”. The 14 reports included 7 from Northern Europe, 5 from the US and 2 from the Netherlands; there were no reports from Japan. Based on the results of this study, we consider that trend of nursing care for patients with PICS are; “Progressive mobility”, “ICU diary”, “Recovery program and evaluation of program” and “Narrative of experience of after critical care”. The issue of nursing support for PICS in Japan requires that nurses understand PICS and provide long-term follow-up system for patients with PICS. Furthermore, the evaluation of follow-up programs are important. In addition, it is necessary to nurse and multidisciplinary follow-up system.


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