Development of the Japanese version of Dispositional Positive Emotion Scales

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  • 日本語版DPES作成の試み


<p>The Japanese version of the Dispositional Positive Emotion Scales (DPES-J) measures seven positive emotional traits: joy, contentment, pride, love, compassion, amusement, and awe. We conducted three surveys to test the reliability and validity of the DPES-J. Confirmatory factor analysis of data from 832 participants conducted in Survey 1 indicated that each scale had sufficient factor loading and good internal consistency. Moreover, a test-retest correlation of the DPES-J scores for 119 participants in Survey 2 indicated adequate reliability of the scale. Furthermore, the association of data of 220 participants in Survey 3 showed that each DPES-J factor was associated with extraversion, positive emotions, life satisfaction, self-esteem, and strength (love, kindness, humor, appreciation of beauty). Additionally, results of correlation and partial correlation analyses identified the characteristics of each factor. These results indicate that the DPES-J has concurrent reliability and validity for assessing seven positive emotional traits.</p>


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