A Kyucho and Sokoirijio(Sporadic Intrusion into the Bottom Layer)in the Bungo Channel
- TAKEOKA Hidetaka
- 愛媛大学社会連携推進機構南予水産研究センター
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- Other Title
- 豊後水道の急潮と底入り潮
- ブンゴ スイドウ ノ キュウチョウ ト ソコ イリシオ
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The Bungo Channel between Shikoku and Kyushu Islands, Japan is not only a place of rich fishery resources, it is also the largest area of aquaculture in Japan. It is supported by two prominent phenomena : a kyucho(sporadic intrusion of warm water into the surface layer from outside)and Sokoirijio(sporadic intrusion of cold water into the bottom layer from outside). A brief history of the studies on kyucho and Sokoirijio, their physical aspects, and their influences on the primary production and fisheries are summarized in this paper.
- Bulletin on Coastal Oceanography
Bulletin on Coastal Oceanography 58 (1), 19-43, 2020
Coastal Oceanography Research Committee, the Oceanographic Society of Japan
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1390285697595118464
- NII Article ID
- 130007903508
- NII Book ID
- AN10492259
- 24344036
- 09143882
- 13422758
- 030625515
- Text Lang
- ja
- Data Source
- JaLC
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