Change and Variation in <i>tarinai/taranai</i> in the Okazaki Survey on Honorifics Data
- Matsuda Kenjiro
- Kobe Shoin Women's University
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- 岡崎敬語調査に見る「足りない」~「足らない」の変異と変化
- オカザキ ケイゴ チョウサ ニ ミル 「 タリナイ 」~「 タラナイ 」 ノ ヘンイ ト ヘンカ
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This study analyzes a variation between taranai/tarinai in the Okazaki Survey on Honorifics (OSH), conducted thrice by the National Institute of Japanese Language and Linguistics, starting with the first survey, OSH I in 1957, followed by OSH II in 1972 and OSH III in 2008. Okazaki is in the contact area of taranai and tarinai, which are distributed in the Western and Eastern parts of Japan, respectively, thus resulting in an active variation between the two forms. We show that the percentage of tarinai usage decreases from OSH I to II, and increases from II to III. Respondents tended to use their choice in the first survey, but the correlation between their choice of the two forms and the age of the respondents of the first survey was not significant. This implies that the change from taranai to tarinai indicates an acquisition of a new word, and it is not bound by the critical period of language acquisition. Based on various evidence, we conclude that the change from OSH I to II is an accommodation of the Nagoya dialect, a major city to the west of Okazaki in the taranai area, and the one from OSH II to III is a return to the original usage prevalent in the Okazaki area.
- Mathematical Linguistics
Mathematical Linguistics 32 (2), 66-81, 2019-06-20
The Mathematical Linguistic Society of Japan
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1390285697597425280
- NII Article ID
- 130007906063
- NII Book ID
- AN00073067
- 24330302
- 04534611
- 029997419
- Text Lang
- ja
- Data Source
- JaLC
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- CiNii Articles
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