Behavior Control of Microbubbles by Electric

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Other Title
  • 電界によるマイクロバブルの挙動制御
  • (Influence of diameter on velocity of microbubble)
  • (直径が移動速度に与える影響について)


<p>In this paper control of microbubbles in still water is attempted. Microbubbles were electrified by cationic surfactant. By applying electric field these microbubbles were moved toward electrode. Influence of applied electric field on velocity of microbubble was examined. Velocity of microbubbles was changed by changing the magnitude of electric field. Influence of diameter on velocity of microbubble was examined. Velocity of these microbubbles seems dependent of their diameter. When magnitude of electric field was larger, this trend was remarkably observed.</p>


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