Lusutrombopag administration is effective for the hemostasis of intractable gastric antral vascular ectasia in a patient with liver cirrhosis

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  • 難治性の胃前庭部毛細血管拡張症(GAVE)の止血術に,ルストロンボパグの血小板増加作用が一助となった肝硬変の1例
  • 症例報告 難治性の胃前庭部毛細血管拡張症(GAVE)の止血術に,ルストロンボパグの血小板増加作用が一助となった肝硬変の1例
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<p>A female patient aged 75 years old was found to be anemic upon admission during follow-up for liver cirrhosis. Detailed examinations revealed that bleeding due to gastric antral vascular ectasia (GAVE) was the cause of her anemia. The patient did not respond to repeated argon plasma coagulation (APC) procedures and continued to require intermittent blood transfusions thereafter. As such, we decided to conduct APC again after administering lusutrombopag, a thrombopoietin receptor agonist. The administration of lusutrombopag led to an increase in platelet count and, hence, hemostasis could be performed safely. Moreover, as the effect of lusutrombopag is longer than the biological half-life of platelets, we believe that it may show a hemostatic effect in GAVE patients with gastrointestinal hemorrhage.</p>


  • Kanzo

    Kanzo 61 (10), 520-526, 2020-10-01

    The Japan Society of Hepatology


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