Study of Privatization in Local Cultural Policy:

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  • 自治体文化政策の民営化に関する考察
  • 大会関連論文 自治体文化政策の民営化に関する考察 : 政令指定都市における文教施設に対する指定管理者制度運用を事例に
  • タイカイ カンレン ロンブン ジチタイ ブンカ セイサク ノ ミンエイカ ニ カンスル コウサツ : セイレイ シテイ トシ ニ オケル ブンキョウ シセツ ニ タイスル シテイ カンリシャ セイド ウンヨウ オ ジレイ ニ
  • Case of Administrator Selection Systems in Large Cities
  • ―政令指定都市における文教施設に対する指定管理者制度運用を事例に―

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<p> These days cultural policy is confronting many shifts. Privatization is one of the biggest shifts to cultural policy. In Japan, in 2003 the Appointed Administrator-System started and public cultural fac- ulties have been administratored by Appointed Administrators. Not only central or local governments, but private sectors and NPOs are leading cultural policy at the regional level.</p><p> This study aims to discuss the process of privatization in local cultural policy. Especially, it pres- ents how local governments select administrators depending on the specialty of facilities. The processes and standards are different among local governments. However previous research have not analyzed the reasons of this diversity. </p><p> By conducting a case study of six large cities, this study shows the diversity of how administrators are selected in the cultural field. This study deals with cases of Sapporo, Yokohama, Nagoya, Kyoto, Osaka and Kobe and their attitude towards cultural and educational facilities. Data is collected from open source of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications by the author. Cultural and educa- tional facilities are divided into different categories of museums, cultural halls, and others (community centers). </p><p> It finds out that there are two types for selection processes of administrators of cultural education- al facilities. One is the process in which administrators are selected publicly. The other is the process in which administrators are selected beforehand and behind close doors. Further about the latter can be divided into three types. First, cities like Osaka tend to select administrators of museums uncompet- itively. Secondly, cities like Yokohama and Kyoto tend to select administrators of cultural halls uncom- petitively. Third, city like Nagoya select administrators of community centers uncompetitively. Finally, this study analyzes the reasons why this diversity happens. This study concludes one of the reasons is that local governments put emphasis on the cultural foundations founded by themselves rather than encouraging the growth of citizen groups.</p>


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