Two powdery mildew fungi on the memorial trees planted in the garden of reception hall “Geihinkan", Tokyo

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  • 迎賓館庭園の記念樹に発生した2種のうどんこ病菌
  • 資料 迎賓館庭園の記念樹に発生した2種のうどんこ病菌
  • シリョウ ゲイヒンカン テイエン ノ キネンジュ ニ ハッセイ シタ 2シュノウ ドンコビョウキン

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<p> Powdery mildew fungi were found on two memorial trees, viz. small-leaved European linden (Tilia cordata, fam. Tiliaceae) and English oak (Quercus robur, fam. Fagaceae), which have been planted in the garden of Geihinkan, Tokyo.</p><p> The fungus on T. cordata was identified to be Uncinula oleosa var. zhengii, and another one on Q. robur was Microsphaera alphitoides var. alphitoides respectively.</p>



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