A Modified Replication of a Resilience Program Comprised of Individual and Group Activities:

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  • 個人と集団活動を通したレジリエンス・プログラムの再検証
  • コジン ト シュウダン カツドウ オ トオシタ レジリエンス ・ プログラム ノ サイケンショウ
  • Examination of Program Validity

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<p>  The aim of the present study was to use a non-randomized controlled trial design in order to conduct a modified replication of the Ueno and Hirano (2019, in Japanese) resilience program that is comprised of individual and group activities, in order to examine the validity of the program. The participants were university students, 49 (16 men, 33 women; Mage=18.67) in the intervention group and 50 (17 men, 33 women; Mage=18.50) in the control group. The intervention group participated in the resilience program; the other group was a no-treatment control. The results of a 2-way repeated-measures ANOVA revealed a significant 2-way interaction between time and group for acquired resilience factors, but not for innate resilience factors. The participants in the intervention group scored significantly higher on acquired resilience factors in the post-intervention group activity compared to their scores in the pre-intervention individual activity, and also scored significantly higher on acquired resilience factors in the post-intervention group activity than the control group participants did. Furthermore, a 1-way repeated-measures ANOVA conducted to examine the overall effect of the group activities that were conducted after the individual activities found no significant differences in either innate or acquired resilience factors between the pre-intervention and post-intervention individual activity. However, both resilience factors increased in the post-intervention group activity. These findings corroborate the validity of the Ueno and Hirano (2019) resilience programs that are comprised of individual and group activities.</p>


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