Fresh Start Approach for Women : Focused on the Fresh Horizons Program in England

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  • 女性にとっての再出発の道
  • 女性にとっての再出発の道--イギリスにおけるフレッシュ・ホライズンに注目して
  • ジョセイ ニ トッテ ノ サイシュッパツ ノ ミチ イギリス ニ オケル フレッシュ ホライズン ニ チュウモク シテ
  • ―イギリスにおけるフレッシュ・ホライズンに注目して―

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<p>  The purpose of this paper is to consider the learning systems which support women re-entering higher education or employment after living as housewives. I focused on the Fresh Horizons program in London, England, which was introduced by Enid Hutchinson.</p><p>  The Fresh Horizons program has two aims. One is to help adult learners, including women, to access into higher education. Another is to support women to make a fresh start after taking care of children. Today, however, the second aim is disappearing because of the educational policy of the British Government. But I wish to emphasize the importance of the second aim for women.</p><p>  First, I examine the relationship between Enid Hutchinson and Fresh Horizons. She had broad experience as a housewife, mother and as an adult educator. The Fresh Horizons program was the fruition of her experience and educational practices.</p><p>  Second, the Fresh Horizons program is analyzed and it is pointed out that this program supports women in making a fresh start. Two characteristics of the program are pointed out. First, it lays stress the process of learning. Secondly, it raises women's consciousness for liberation.</p><p>  Finally, I conclude that the importance of this learning system lies in making the best of women's experiences and developing their self-esteem. It is also important that tutors who give education advice and supports to women's exist.</p>


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