- 飯田 奈美子
- 立命館大学
- タイトル別名
- Consideration of Repairing by an Interpreter in a Dialogue Interpretation
- 対話通訳における通訳者のトラブル修復についての考察 : 新生児訪問模擬通訳の会話分析から
- タイワ ツウヤク ニ オケル ツウヤクシャ ノ トラブル シュウフク ニ ツイテ ノ コウサツ : シンセイジ ホウモン モギ ツウヤク ノ カイワ ブンセキ カラ
- Conversational Analyses of Simulated Interpreting at a Newborn Baby Visitation
- −新生児訪問模擬通訳の会話分析から−
This research focused on “repairing troubled utterances” which is one of spontaneous remarks of interpreters, analyzed through conversation analysis method. As a result of the analysis, when a remark was made that was not a required answer, it was revealed that the interpreter did not translate what the original speaker said, and the interpreter him/herself started repairing remarks instead of having the original speaker start the repair. There are two factors of repair performed by an interpreter:(1)it is due to a problem of translation and(2)misperception of the speaker. In either case, interpreters think that the interpreter has the authority to restore. This is because interpreters are participating in conversation as a person with a common ground base. It is clear that restorative acts by interpreters are oriented towards what the listener can understand, and this analysis’s results can serve as a clue to elucidate interpreter intervention.
- 通訳翻訳研究
通訳翻訳研究 18 (0), 43-63, 2018
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詳細情報 詳細情報について
- 1390287297547796992
- 130007995612
- AA1241285X
- 24361003
- 18837522
- 029598833
- 本文言語コード
- ja
- データソース種別
- JaLC
- NDLサーチ
- CiNii Articles
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