A Study on Evaluation of the Magnitude of Stress due to Repeated Cold Exposure in Winter

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  • 冬期に繰り返し寒冷曝露を受けた場合のストレス評価に関する実験的研究
  • 冬期に繰り返し寒冷曝露を受けた場合のストレス評価に関する実験的研究 : 若年女性の場合
  • トウキ ニ クリカエシ カンレイ バクロ オ ウケタ バアイ ノ ストレス ヒョウカ ニ カンスル ジッケンテキ ケンキュウ : ジャクネン ジョセイ ノ バアイ
  • -For Young Women-
  • -若年女性の場合-

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Seven young female subjects first stayed in the recovery room at 24℃, and then moved to the adjacent room of which temperature was controlled at 18℃, 15℃ and 12℃ at each occasion. The subjects stayed in the cold room for the designated time periods and moved to the recovery room. This procedure was repeated for 4 times. Exposure time was derived that the product of an exposure time multiplied by a temperature difference is to be equal. The magnitude of stress due to repeated exposure to the cold was evaluated from psychological and physiological responses. The results indicated that magnitude of stress increased with exposure time during the first and second exposure but increased with temperature difference during the product of an exposure time multiplied by a temperature difference during the third or fourth exposure.


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