
  • 吉村 斉


  • Effects of a Teaching Method to College Students in Interest and Recognition by the introducing of Calling cards and Discussions
  • シメイ カード ト トウロン オ ドウニュウ シタ キョウジュホウ ニ ヨル タンキ ダイガクセイ ノ キョウミ ニンシキ ノ ヘンカ



This paper reported that the introduction of calling cards and discussions to a teaching method influenced students' interest and cognition. Subjects were 237 college students. In April, they were asked to tell their own images about psychology. Many students were very interested in psychology and psychological tests. On the other hand, many students misunderstood that psychology was similar to telling fortunes, or that personalities were different according to the blood type. They were lectured by means of calling cards and discussions for four months. In July, they were asked again to answer the some questionnaire. As a result, they remained interested in psychology and psychological tests, but they denied the thinking of psychology as telling fortunes and denied the relationships between the blood types and personalities. The above results may suggest that the calling cards and discussions are useful methods that can increase students' motivation and understanding of psychology.


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