Factors Associated with the Caregiving Burden of the Primary Caregivers of Elderly Patients Undergoing Peritoneal Dialysis

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  • 腹膜透析を受けている高齢者の主介護者の介護負担感と関連要因
  • フクマク トウセキ オ ウケテ イル コウレイシャ ノ シュカイゴシャ ノ カイゴフタンカン ト カンレン ヨウイン

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<p>[Aims]This study examined the burden placed on the primary caregivers of elderly individuals undergoing peritoneal dialysis (PD) therapy and the factors associated with this burden.[Methods]A self‒administered questionnaire was completed by 152 primary caregivers of elderly patients undergoing PD therapy. The questionnaires were distributed at six study centers; i.e., hospitals in the Kyushu, Chugoku, and Kanto regions. Valid responses were obtained from 96 primary caregivers and were included in the analysis. The analysis was performed using Quantification theory Type I, with the characteristics of caregivers and care recipients, and care conditions used as the explanatory variables and the caregivers’ sense of burden employed as the criterion variable.[Results]Being awakened at night for caregiving, difficulty in performing domestic or professional work due to caregiving related to PD, not being able to talk to friends or acquaintances about problems, the primary caregiver being in poor health, and the care recipient requiring assistance with activities of daily living were significantly associated with caregivers’ sense of burden. Actively allocating social resources after taking into consideration the physical aspects and lifestyle of the primary caregiver and reinforcing informal support are important for reducing the sense of burden associated with caregiving.</p>



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