<i>A Bioethics Practitioner's Thoughts on Gene Editing in Human Embryos </i>

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  • 生命医療倫理の研究者・実践者としてゲノム編集に思うこと
  • セイメイ イリョウ リンリ ノ ケンキュウシャ ・ ジッセンシャ ト シテ ゲノム ヘンシュウ ニ オモウ コト

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<p>  At the 31st annual meeting of the Japan Association for Bioethics in 2019, an open public forum, entitled “A dialogue with citizens on genome editing technology of human embryos,” was held. As a liaison member between experts and citizens, I offered my opinions on the matter, dividing the matters of expected spread of the technology and relevant issues into three sections. First, in the phase of basic medicine/preclinical studies, during which no one is born using this technology, the main issues are research integrity and assessment of safety and accuracy of the technology. The next anticipated phase comprises clinical trials and treatment, and a genetically edited baby would be born using this technology. Ethical issues that would need to be addressed during this phase would include the protection of research participants and ensuring that fair medical practices are maintained. Discussion on the moral status of the human embryo may also need to be revisited in this phase. In the third phase, the technology goes beyond medical practice and is made more accessible. The births of many designer babies could influence human relationships, individual lives, and our community structure, in massive and complicated ways. In order for us to accept and ensure that this technology becomes widespread in the future, a multidisciplinary and collaborative approach is necessary. </p>


  • Bioethics

    Bioethics 30 (1), 15-21, 2020-09-26

    Japan Association for Bioethics

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