<i>The Legal Issues in Refusing Medical Treatment for Patients Refusing Blood Transfusion </i>

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  • 輸血拒否患者に対する診療拒否の法律上の問題点
  • ユケツ キョヒ カンジャ ニ タイスル シンリョウ キョヒ ノ ホウリツ ジョウ ノ モンダイテン

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<p>  This paper highlights some legal issues stemming from the refusal of medical treatment for patients who refuse blood transfusions. Ever since the Supreme Court decision regarding forced blood transfusion (2000), there has been a worrying trend against respecting patients' rights. Under the name of “relative bloodless treatment”, some hospitals are avoiding even the treatment of patients unless they sign consent for blood transfusion. Such a trend violates the patients' right to self-determination, runs counter to the purpose of Article 25 of the Constitution protecting the right to life (which is the basis for the Medical Practitioners' Act), and violates the duty to provide medical treatment and the duty of patient transfer. From the guidelines as set out by the notice of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare issued on 25 December 2019, the only time a denial of treatment can be justified when a patient in a severe condition refusing blood transfusions is requesting treatment during consultation hours, is when treatment is virtually impossible. This paper outlines ways doctors should respond rather than issuing a blanket refusal of treatment.</p>


  • Bioethics

    Bioethics 30 (1), 30-39, 2020-09-26

    Japan Association for Bioethics

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