Mobile Observation of Local Temperature Distribution Using a Smartphone App

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  • スマートフォンアプリを活用した局地気温分布の移動観測
  • スマートフォンアプリ オ カツヨウ シタ キョクチ キオン ブンプ ノ イドウ カンソク

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<p>This paper explains the method and gives practical examples of mobile observations of local temperature distribution using a smartphone app. Until now, to carry out mobile observations, it was necessary to accurately record temperature and observation position, and the more data observed, the greater the amount of work. However, by using a digital thermometer and a GPS logger, it is now possible to obtain dense data without operating any equipment during the actual observation. Temperature data can be easily drawn on a map using free GIS software, and the differences in temperature are studied by comparing the results with the environment of the observation route.</p>


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