

  • The Vājapeya Ritual Described in the Newly Found Manuscripts of the <i>Vādhūla-Śrautasūtra</i>: With Special Reference to the Chariot Race
  • Vadhula-Srautasutra新写本に見るヴァージャペーヤ祭の特徴について : 戦車競走を中心に
  • Vadhula-Srautasutra シン シャホン ニ ミル ヴァージャペーヤサイ ノ トクチョウ ニ ツイテ : センシャ キョウソウ オ チュウシン ニ



<p>This is a study of the Vājapeya decribed in the Vādhūla-Śrautasūtra (VādhŚS), one of the oldest Śrautasūtras, based on its reliable manuscripts found in the 1990s. This kingship ritual is a variation of the Agniṣṭoma, extended with some additional unique elements such as a chariot race, royal consecration, and the climbing of the sacrificial post. VādhŚS puts the race and consecration before the climbing of the post, which is followed by the offering of the Marutvatīya-graha.</p><p>There are many notable prescriptions about the chariot race that are not found at all in other Śrautasūtras: 1. First, the sacrificer puts on clothes made of Tṛpā-grass; 2. After the Brahman-priest ascends the chariot-wheel reciting a mantra, the sacrificer recites a variation of the same mantra toward him; 3. Right before the race, the sacrificer distributes golden chips, reciting a variation of the so-called Ujjiti-mantra, and after the race, the Adhvaryu-priest offers libations reciting another variation; 4. The Avacchinnahoma should be offered if any accident takes place with the chariots or horses; 5. After the race, collecting golden chips, the sacrificer utters “ I trade this (= Surā-upayāma) for it (= vāja-, /probably reffering to the chips)”; 6. The Brahman-priest drinks of the Madhu-graha reciting a mantra of an unknown source.</p><p>All of these characteristic features found in the Vājapeya chapter not only clarify the uniqueness of the Vādhūla school, but also help to understand the Vājapeya in other schools.</p>


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