

  • Transmission and Inclusion into the Chinese Canon of the<i> Sumatidārikā-paripṛcchā </i>Translated by Bodhiruci: The Nanatsudera七寺Manuscript
  • ボダイリュウ シ ヤク 『 スマテイケイ 』 ノ リュウデン ト ニュウゾウ : ナナジ イッサイキョウホン オ チュウシン ト シテ



<p>Zhisheng 智昇 (8th c.) considered the Sumatidārikā-paripṛcchā 須摩提経 translated by Bodhiruci as a separately circulating text (別生経) of Chapter XXX of the Mahāratnakūṭasūtra, and therefore excluded it from the canonical scriptures recorded in his famous catalogue Kaiyuan shijiao lu 開元釈教録 (730). The Sumatidārikā-paripṛcchā was, however, included in traditional Tripiṭaka editions belonging to the Zhongyuan 中原lineage, starting with the Kaibao 開宝 canon, and it is included in the Nanatsudera七寺manuscript collection as well. In order to identify the archetype of the Nanatsudera collection, I conjecture the existence of an older manuscript, most likely going back to the scriptural collection which Genbō 玄昉 (?–746) brought from China. A collation of the Nanatsudera text with the Jin金 canon and the Second Edition of the Korean 高麗 canon (both belonging to the Kaibao lineage) reveals that although there are some textual similarities, we can also see differences in formatting. This makes it difficult to conclude that the Nanatsudera text was based on a manuscript belonging to the same lineage as the Kaibao canon. Further research into the Ishiyamadera石山寺manuscript collection, which also contains the text, will shed light on the possibility of identifying a unique old manuscript lineage.</p>


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