The Polysemy of “Disability (Impairment)” Derived from Quine’s “Holistic Theory” and Rorty’s Thoughts on “Truth”: From “Real-Based” Definitions of Disability to “Strategic and Practical Use of Disability Definitions”

  • MAKITA Toshiki

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  • クワインの「全体論」とローティの「真理」に関する考察から導き出される「障害」の多義性――「事実」をもとにした障害定義から「障害定義の戦略的・実践的使用」へ――
  • クワインの「全体論」とローティの「真理」に関する考察から導き出される「障害」の多義性 : 「事実」をもとにした障害定義から「障害定義の戦略的・実践的使用」ヘ
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<p>Several researchers in the field of disability studies have been involved in defining disability (impairment), and conflicts have also arisen in this process;the conflict between post-structuralists and interactionists is one such conflict. This study thus argues that such conflicts are meaningless if they are made from the perspective of “truth” through a discussion of Quine’s “holism” and Rorty’s conception of “truth” and determines the factors giving rise to such conflicts. Consequently, it was observed that the question of what disability (impairment) is cannot be answered in a single sense, and that if the question of what disability (impairment) is posed from the perspective of “truth,” then the conflict over the question is meaningless. Based on these results, a new avenue of strategic and practical use of various definitions of disability was proposed.</p>


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