

  • Effects of iron intake and hemoglobin concentration in pregnant women on birth weight of infants
  • ニンプ ノ テツ セッシュリョウ ト ケッチュウ ヘモグロビン ノウド ニ オケル ジ ノ シュッショウ タイジュウ ニ オヨボス エイキョウ



<p>The dietary habits of pregnant women depend on the dietary habits before pregnancy, but under the influence of increasing desire to lose weight, undernutrition is a concern. Undernutrition in pregnant women increases the risk of low birth weight infants and preterm birth. <br>The purpose of this study was to clarify the relationship between malnutrition in pregnant women, anemia and low birth weight infant birth rates. Targeting 109 pregnant women who responded by distributing a food intake frequency questionnaire including food habit questions. We compared the birth weight of infants by dietary iron intake and by the presence or absence of iron supplement intake. <br>As a result, the mean birth weight of infants was significantly greater that blood hemoglobin lower group (Hb < 11 g/dl) was as the high group (Hb ≥ 11 g/dl). Births of low birth weight infants occurred only in the high group. In addition, no pregnant women gave birth to low birth weight infants in the iron supplementation group. It is not easy to increase iron intake from the diet. It was suggested that iron supplements should be taken not only for improvement of anemia as also for prevention of low birth weight infants. Further studies are required such as devising a dietary survey for pregnant women, since the number of subjects to be studied, especially those who take supplements, is small.</p>


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