
  • 黒部 正孝
    田辺中央病院 リハビリテーション臨床研究部 田辺中央病院 リハビリテーション科
  • 松原 広幸
    医療法人研医会 事務部
  • 藤原 聡
    田辺中央病院 リハビリテーション臨床研究部 田辺中央病院 リハビリテーション科
  • 鈴木 俊明
    関西医療大学大学院 保健医療学研究科


  • A post-stroke patient who was unable to turn completely due to psoas major and internal oblique abdominal muscle hypotonia: case report



<p>We carried out rehabilitation therapy for a post-stroke patient. The patient could not turn over sufficiently because he could not swing his left lower leg to the right and did not rotate his pelvis to the right enough. We tested the muscle tone and found decreased muscle tone in the right iliopsoas muscle and the oblique fibers of the left internal oblique abdominal muscle. From the results of the test, we thought that the decreased muscle tone of the right psoas major muscle was preventing the right swing of the left lower limb, and the reduced tonus of the left internal oblique muscle prevented the pelvis from rotating to the right. Therefore, we conducted a therapeutic approach for these muscles. As a result, the patient was able to perform a complete turning movement.</p>


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