Development of a Bimanual Wearable Force Feedback Device Composed of Pneumatic Artificial Muscles and Magnetorheological Fluid Brakes

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  • 空気圧人工筋肉と磁気粘性流体ブレーキを用いた両上肢装着型力覚提示装置の開発


<p>In a virtual reality (VR) space, wearing a head-mounted display can help with the visualization of objects, however, users cannot experience realistic tactile sensations. Recently, several force feedback devices have been developed, including wearable devices that use straight-fiber-type pneumatic muscles and magnetorheological fluids. This allows the devices to render elastic, frictional, and viscous forces during spatially unrestricted movement. Nevertheless, there are two problems. One is that there were items with low scores in the subjective evaluation regarding the discrimination of device weight and force magnitude. The other is the inability to handle many bilateral upper limb movement tasks. Therefore, this study aims to develop a device that can handle movements that interact with both arms.</p>


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