High Efficiency Complex Permittivity Measurement of a Dielectric Rod Using a 50 GHz Band TM<sub>010</sub> Mode Cavity Resonator with a Small Sample Insertion Hole

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  • 50GHz帯TM<sub>010</sub>モード空洞共振器を用いた細丸棒誘電体の高効率複素誘電率測定
  • 50GHz帯TM₀₁₀モード空洞共振器を用いた細丸棒誘電体の高効率複素誘電率測定
  • 50GHzタイ TM ₀ ₁ ₀ モード クウドウ キョウシンキ オ モチイタ サイマルボウ ユウデンタイ ノ コウコウリツフクソ ユウデンリツ ソクテイ

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<p>We have been presented the accurate complex permittivity method for small diameter dielectric rod samples using the 50GHz band TM010 mode cavity resonator with small sample insertion holes. However, the measurement efficiency is not enough high to evaluate various samples due to the difficulty of sample insertion into the holes. In this paper, a novel insertion procedure for a small diameter dielectric sample is proposed using the insertion support tube to improve measurement efficiency. And, the suitable placement technique for the small dielectric sample is studied experimentally. Moreover, the complex permittivity of 4 kinds of 20 thermoplastic resin rods with a diameter of 0.4mm is measured efficiently and accurately around the 45GHz band.</p>



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