Observation of the internal stress in an indexable tool during two-dimensional cutting

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  • 2次元切削中の刃先交換式切削工具の内部応力可視化の検討
  • 2ジゲン セッサク チュウ ノ ハサキ コウカンシキ セッサク コウグ ノ ナイブ オウリョク カシカ ノ ケントウ

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<p>In recent years, the clamping part of the indexable tool body has become more complex. If the rigidity of the clamping part is insufficient for the cutting resistance, the deformation of the clamping part would cause displacement of the cutting edge position, thus leading to deterioration of machining accuracy. Therefore, clarification of the internal stress distribution near the clamping part of the body is essential. In this study, a photoelastic experiment was performed to examine the internal stress distribution of the body during two-dimensional cutting. First, the insert contact state on the peripheral clamping face due to changes in the clearance angle was investigated. Furthermore, the effects of changes in the eccentricity on the internal stress distribution were evaluated. Finally, the influence of the rake angle on the change in internal stress state of the body was investigated.</p>


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