元・斎王井上内親王廃后事件と八世紀王権の転成(第Ⅰ部 王権論)


  • The Dethronement of Empress Inoue and the Transformation of the Imperial Throne in the 8th Century
  • 元・斎王井上内親王廃后事件と八世紀王権の転成
  • モト サイオウ イノウエ ナイシンノウ ハイコウ ジケン ト 8セイキ オウケン ノ テンセイ




The dethronement of Emperor Konin's wife Empress Inoue in 772 is known for having altered Japan's ancient imperial lineage from the Emperor Temmu branch to the Emperor Tenji branch of the imperial family. However, analysis of Empress Inoue's political position is long overdue.Aside from the fact that the late Empress Shotoku, Empress Inoue's sister, was a female ruler, she ascended the throne following a procedure that suited “Ritsuryo law” most of all. Furthermore, she was restored by military power, and because she also had the authority of an empress and had renounced family and secular life to devote herself to Buddhism, she had been supported by an ideology in which deities of a Buddhist-oriented Ise Shrine protected the imperial throne. She was a symbol of power with regard to both politics and ideology and can be understood as having pushed imperial autocracy to the utmost extreme. The nobles who sought to put Empress Inoue and her husband Emperor Konin on the throne believed that they could curb this burgeoning imperial authority and reposition them under the Ritsuryo system.Emperor Konin ascended to the throne because he was the husband of Empress Inoue who was the daughter of Emperor Shomu. After Emperor Konin died Empress Inoue's son Prince Osabe assumed the throne. It was possible for either Empress Inoue to take political control as the empress dowager or for her son to rule from the throne. Because she had served as Saio (High Priestess) at Ise Shrine, the home of the imperial tutelary deities, she could also have reigned as a religious leader.While she was empress a Saiku, which served as a small settlement where the Saio resided, was built, though this custom had been stopped during the earlier reign of Empress Shotoku. It is thought that the Saiku (Saio's palace and office) built during this period included the Saio's quarters. Magnificent and huge, they were palatial and included a living space and ceremonial space in one section surrounded by incomplete ancillary facilities. However, during the reign of Emperor Kammu that followed, a palace for the Saio was incorporated in the grid-shaped administrative section. While this remodeling was undertaken with the construction of the Nagaoka capital in mind, it impelled the urbanization and stereotyping of the Saiku through the provision of a ritualistic environment, the establishment and continuation of ceremonies and the formation of land divided into squares. From being a palace for an individual Saio, the Saiku became one of the administrative mechanisms of the state, resulting in the institutionalization of the Saiku and the Saio.As an empress dowager who had served as a Saio, Inoue possessed an authority that united the sacred and secular underpinned by the religious authority of Ise Shrine. If she had ascended to the throne, her reign would have been autocratic with unique religious elements. The political situation at that time operated to remove this kind of authority and the dethronement of Inoue took place to eliminate the possibility of a repeat of a spiritual throne. As an ideological struggle that questioned autocratic imperial power her dethronement occurred to remove all power from an “empress dowager”, “empress” and “Saio”.



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