A Consideration of Reconstructing our Image of the Kofun Period : Does the Period of Keyhole Tombs Predate the Ritsuryo State?

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  • 古墳時代像再構築のための考察 : 前方後円墳時代は律令国家の前史か
  • コフン ジダイゾウ サイコウチク ノ タメ ノ コウサツ ゼンポウコウエンフン ジダイ ワ リツリョウ コッカ ノ ゼンシ カ

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The alliance of chiefs from western Japan expanded rapidly toward eastern Japan and while subduing “insurgencies” around the country the rulers from among the powerful elite in Kinki eventually became stronger, and thus began to form a centralized power. The general understanding of the Kofun period is that the alliance broke up as these regional chiefs became subsumed as vassals and society evolved into the ritsuryo state. The prevailing theory that underpins this understanding is that the Kofun period was no more than the process of the formation of an ancient state that preceded the ritsuryo state, whose gradual development led to the establishment of the ritsuryo state. At play here is the historical view of the development of a society from a barbarian to a civilized society where the ritsuryo state represents civilization and the Kofun period a society with an immature political system.In the period from around the middle of the 3rd century to the beginning of the 7th century approximately 5,200 round or square keyhole tombs were built in the Japanese archipelago, excluding Hokkaido, northern Tohoku and the Okinawa islands. There are 35 tombs with mounds of more than 200 meters, with 32 of them concentrated in a single region. There are a further 302 tombs with mounds of more than 100 meters, of which 140 are concentrated in a single region. Representing a center-region relationship, this political order was maintained by chiefs and their personal ties. The kuni no miyatsuko, miyake and bemin system of regional government involving the establishment of a state, as described in the Kojiki and Nihon Shoki, was also a political system based on the personal relationships of those in the center and those in the regions. That is to say, the Kofun period with its “system of personal rule” where several powerful chiefs in Kinai jointly ruled the central government by leading their own groups of medium- to low-ranking chiefs is different from the principle of rule of the ritsuryo state which was based on the principle of a “system of territorial rule” underpinned by state ownership of land.We must free our ideas from the systematic depictions in the Nihon Shoki of the legitimacy of the ritsuryo state and the developmental view of history that has restrained researchers engaged in archaeology and ancient history. In addition, using the massive quantity of archaeological data as a foundation, we must shed light on the 350-year Kofun period when politics was symbolized by mounded tombs as a single cohesive period without succumbing to doctrine centered on what came next.



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