経験の振り返りと自己効力,努力量の関連 ─関心の高低による比較─

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  • ケイケン ノ フリカエリ ト ジコ コウリョク,ドリョクリョウ ノ カンレン : カンシン ノ コウテイ ニ ヨル ヒカク
  • Influence of Reflection on Self-Efficacy and Degree of Effort: Comparison by Level of Interest

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Reflecting on own successful experiences or other people's successful experiences were focused and relationships between reflecting, self-efficacy, and effort were investigated. In Study 1, we examined the effect of self-reflections or other people's reflections on successes and failures. University students (N = 122, 49 men and 73 women) participated in this study. The results suggested that reflecting about successful experiences had a positive influence on self-efficacy and effort. In Study 2, we experimentally investigated the effects of reflections on self-efficacy and effort. Participants were university students (N = 80, 37 men and 43 women). They were requested to reflect every day for two weeks on any activities that they conducted to attain their goal. Results indicated that participants who practiced reflecting on successful experiences made more effort for achieving their goals than those who did not reflect on their past experiences. Based on those results, effectiveness of combining small step method which enables individuals to make progress by setting small goals and reflection was discussed.


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