
DOI 機関リポジトリ HANDLE オープンアクセス


  • Sediment accumulation rates in the East China Sea



The measurement of sediment accumulation rates from ^<14>C date of planktonic or benthic foraminifera are carried out to understand sedimentary processes in the East China Sea continental shelf and slope. THe samples to measure were picked up from gravity or multiple cores, and the sediment accumulation rates were 18cm/kyr at upper slope area (F6) and 17cm/kyr at muddy shelf area (B7) respectively. These values are about one order smaller than the previous study measured by ^<210>Pb and ^<137>Cs. But their results from ^<210>Pb data might affect bioturbation because they measured only surface sediment because of its short half life. The accumulation rate on the sandy area in the upper shelf (F8) could not measure the rate because of heavily sediment mixing. This mixing may attributed to the movement or the deposition of the relict sand triggered by the increase of the sea level. And the F6 and the B7 cores, there are recorded the lithology change about 5000〜7000y.B.P., but this is still in question what relationship exists between the lithology and the environmental changes.


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