The Otherworld in Everyday Life: the Fantastical Realism of Contemporary American Poetry

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  • 日常のそばにある「異界」:現代アメリカ詩の幻想的写実主義

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Much of contemporary American poetry depicts matters of everyday life, but the life portrayed in it includes not only familiar mundanities but also fantastical, strange, otherworldly elements. In this paper, which has been adapted from a talk given as part of the Kobe College Women's Studies Institute lecture series, I examine three major poems from the latter half of the twentieth century: Elizabeth Bishop's "In the Waiting Room" ; Sylvia Plath's "Cut" ; and Sharon Olds's "Once." These poems enact various transformations and transpositions and of what we casually call reality: the unexplored geographies of the indigenous lives that encroach upon one's time in the waiting room at a dentist's office; the history of bloodshed that gushes out of one's thumb, accidentally sliced out of the domesticity of meal-cooking; the mountain road full of hairpin turns that one gets lured into when one mistakenly opens the door of a bathroom occupied by one's father. These poems enact a literary strategy that I call fantastical realism. where descriptive realism spills out of itself, turning into an imaginative gaze that reflects and reshapes the landscapes the landscapes before us.


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