Estimation of gross production in a Cryptomeria japonica plantation on the basis of MONSI-SAEKI’s model of canopy photosynthesis

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  • 門司・佐伯の群落光合成理論にもとづくスギ人工林の総生産量の推定
  • モンシ サエキ ノ グンラク コウゴウセイ リロン ニ モトズク スギ ジンコウ

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Production ecological studies were carried out on a 21-year-old sugi (Cryptomeria japonica D. DON) plantation (as of 1983) at Nagoya University Forest. Tree size parameters and solar radiation related to production of the stand were recorded regularly from 1983 to 1988 and from 1982 to 1983, respectively. Phytomasses of the stand (dry weight basis) estimated by the allometric method were as follows : stem 124.5 t ha^-1, branch 11.2 t ha^-1, root 46.1 t ha^-1, and leaf 24.6 t ha^-1. Leaf area index defined as half of the total surface area of leaves was estimated to be 18.2 ha ha^-1, about 20% of which was shared by current leaves. The light extinction coefficient estimated from the light attenuation - cumulative leaf area density curve was approximated to be 0.256 ha ha^-1. Dark respiration rate and net photosynthetic rate of foliage shoot segments were measured monthly during the period from November 1982 to December 1983. Canopy respiration and its seasonal change were estimated by considering the vertical trends of dark respiration rate in the canopy. The annual canopy respiratory consumption was calculated to be 58.5 t ha^-1 y^-1. Daily gross photosynthetic production was calculated monthly on the basis of MONSI-SAEKI’s model of canopy photosynthesis and the annual gross production was estimated to be 60.6 t ha^-1 y^-1. Energy efficiency of daily gross production on a total radiation basis ranged monthly from 1.3% to 4.3%. The estimated value of annual surplus production was smaller than that of annual increment of the stand biomass. This discrepancy was caused by underestimation of annual gross production or over-estimation of canopy respiration.


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