Evolution of Antarctic continent : views from U-Th-Pb chronology(Proceedings of the 18^<th> Symposium on Chronological Studies at the Nagoya University Center for Chronological Research in 2005)

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  • 南極大陸の生い立ち : U-Th-Pb年代からのアプローチ(第18回名古屋大学年代測定総合研究センターシンポジウム平成17(2005)年度報告)

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Antarctica is one of the old continental crust, and its oldest history started at 3.8 billion years ago. Japanese Antarctic Research Expedition has investigated the geological evolution of crustal rocks exposed along the coastal region longitudes between 20-50°E. High-grade metamorphic rocks and related igneous rocks comprise this region, and its geologic history has been studied in detail by U-Th-Pb chronology. This presentation includes the following topics: (1) Antarctica as a part of Gondwana supercontinent, (2) Earth's early history and ultrahigh-temperature deep crustal processes recorded in the Napier Complex, and (3) recent progress of the combined U-Th-Pb chronology with REE geochemical studies.


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