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  • <ORIGINAL ARTICLE>Perspectives on the Fostering Youths and the Awareness of Youth Guidance Leaders
  • 青少年育成の問題と指導者の意識
  • セイショウネン イクセイ ノ モンダイ ト シドウシャ ノ イシキ



As a means of investigating the guidance policy of youths, this study was conducted with two purposes. The first was to survey those actually involved in youth guidance about problems encountered in fostering the youth, through free-response items, which were then analyzed and structured. The second purpose was the construction of a self-report questionnaire, administered to people involved in youth guidance, and factor analyzed for the extraction of the different categories of youth guidance problems. From this questionnaire, it was hoped that facts behind youth fostering could be exposed, in a cause to make recommendations for future guidance policies. The study was divided into two parts, with the first part involved with the first purpose stated above. This part was aimed at grasping the realities of youth guidance to its widest and most concrete extent. A survey was conducted in all parts of Saga prefecture, the subjects being individuals involved with guiding youths toward adulthood. They were asked to freely describe the problems encountered in their efforts, and these responses were structured through the KJ method. In the second part of the study, the data gathered in the first part was utilized in constructing a questionnaire, which was administered to subjects that were involved in youth guidance. The responses were analyzed through factor analysis. As can be seen in Fig. 1,the problems implied from fostering youth, attained from the first part of the study, were determined to have a structure consisting of three factors : 1. The first factor was named "reconsideration of adult ways of life and guidance policies". Adult attitudes toward life were reflected upon, and instead of imposing strict control over the youth with anti-delinquency policies, self-initiated social activities that would allow them to realize a sense of accomplishment and to foster their individuality were the underlying matter for this factor. 2. The second factor was "confidence in guidance through contract and mutual understanding with youth". Here, adults observe children's activities and everyday lives, and through interaction with them, discover the basics of raising up a child, attaining confidence in it via the process. 3. The third factor was "inter-leader accommodation and self-induced retraining", concerning the interaction between youth social activity leaders with related organizations, administrators and parents, over matters such as scheduling of activities, exchange of ideas and skills. The second part of the study focused upon the second purpose of constructing and administering a questionnaire devise. …


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