抗原および Ca ionophore A23187 刺激時におけるアトピー型気管支喘息末梢血好塩基球の運動能


  • Difference in motility of basophilic, granulocytes from atopic subjects following antigen- and Ca inophore A23187-stimulation



We examined histamine release and morphological changes in basophilic granulocytes from atopic subjects, in response to stimulation with antigen and Ca ionophore A23187. 1. Histamine release and a reduction in the rumber of basophils were more rapid and greater in extent at an early stage of antigen stimulation compared with Ca ionophore A23187 stimulation. 2. Morphological changes in basophils, represented by increased motility, in terms of an increased ratio of short to long axis diameter (L/S ratio), as well as the increased frequency of basophils with localized granules and those with pseudopods, were more often observed antigen stimulation than with Ca ionophore A23187 stimulation. In contrast, morphogical changes in which basophils appeared swollen, showing an increased mean cell diameter and an increased frequency of cells with 5 vacuoles or more were more predominant with Ca ionophore A23187 than with antigen stimulation. The results obtained here show that bridging of IgE receptors is essential to activate basophils and induce increased motility in these cells.

アトピー型気管支喘息末梢血好塩基球を用い,抗原および Ca ionophore A23187 刺激時のヒスタミン遊離およびその形態的変化について比較検討した。1.抗原刺激時には, Ca ionophore A23187 刺激時に比べ,好塩基球からのヒスタミン遊離および好塩基球数の減少の程度は,より急激でかつ高度であった。2.好塩基球の形態的変化,すなわち,長経/短経比の増大,限局性顆粒あるいは偽足を有する好塩基球の出現頻度の増加などの運動能の亢進を示唆する好塩基球の形態的変化は, Ca ionophore A23187 に比べ抗原刺激時により高度であった。一方,平均直径の増大,5個以上の空砲を有する好塩基球の出現頻度の増加などの,むしろ膨化傾向を示唆する好塩基球の形態的変化は,抗原刺激時に比べ, Co ionophore A23187 刺激時により高度であった。これらの結果より,抗原刺激によるIgE受容体のbridgingが,好塩基球を活性化し,運動能の亢進をひき起こすものと判断された。


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