About the lifelong education at the university : Through the practice of "woodwork seminar"

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  • 大学における社会人教育について--木工セミナーの実践を通して
  • ダイガク ニ オケル シャカイジン キョウイク ニ ツイテ モッコウ セミナー ノ ジッセン オ トオシテ

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The system of the lifelong education is in the middle of the development. It was examined about the thing-making education of that. The opportunity of learning is rate in the woodwork field in the lifelong education. There is a problem in both those facilities and the contents as well. This year, I held a woodwork seminar targeting the general member of society. This seminar was verified about the learner's constoruction and the consiousness as an example. Then the thing which should be necessary them was examined. Continuous systematic support is necessary for them. And, a theme musut be planned based on it. The conscious problem of the learner who looks for only a result became clear,too. I examined about the method of the lifelong education at the university. The Ministry of Education life learning council is asking that expansion, and it is effective in it to hold an open class in the class subject. I proposed the concrete plan of the woodwork lecture by the setup which it made use of this for.


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