Motor Development of Children with Cerebral Palsy

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  • 脳性まひ児の動作発達経過
  • ノウセイマヒジ ノ ドウサ ハッタツ ケイカ

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The present study was done to describe the clinical picture of the movement disabilities of the children with cerebral palsy, and to examine the difficulty with which they learn movements in their devolopmental period. On the basis of data on the degree of attainment of model-pattern movements of Dohsa-method, locomotion patterns, and secondary disturbances from a 6-year follow-up of 10 children with cerebral palsy, developmental processes of movements and problems in movement learning were identified that corresponded to (1) a clinical picture such as hemiplegia, showing a good prognosis for walking,(2) a clinical picture showing a movement disability peculiar to deplegia and quadriplegia, (3) a clinical picture showing a typical posture associated with a general flexion pattern, and (4) a clinical picture showing a hypotensive inclination.


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