20世紀初頭・函館の建築の史的探求 -明治40(1907)年大火の復興を巡って-


  • 20セイキ ショトウ ハコダテ ノ ケンチク ノ シテキ タンキュウ メイジ40 1907ネン タイカ ノ フッコウ オ メグッテ
  • Historical Exploration of Architecture in Hakodate at the Beginning of the 20th Century-The Revival from the 1907 Conflagration-




Hakodate was rebuilt in several years. even though the majority had been burnt down in the conflagration in 1907. The main reason for its quick recovery was that Hakodate, at that time, was a big and eminent city with strong financial power. There were three reasons for the conflagration. First, the city was geographically exposed to strong wind. Second, the houses were made of wooden material. Third, the citizens did not plan to live there for an extended period. Because Hakodate was a town run by private initiatives, the main public buildings were constructed with millionaires' contributions. Reflecting such tendencies, it is confirmed that the designs of the buildings in Hakodate had been planned by local architects. In this paper, the mode of the constructions before the conflagration and how it had changed since the conflagration are observed. Wood siding boards had been used before the conflagration, while, after it, timber-framed plastering started to take its place. The use of brick masonry increased as well. The Hakodate ward office and the Hakodate hospital were looked at as the examples of the construction before the conflagration, while the public hall and the Teikokuhakuhinkan were architecturally analyzed as the examples after the conflagration. A lot of carpenter chiefs and workmen, etc. from the whole country gathered in Hakodate after the conflagration.


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