彩られた空間 : 田村俊子「生血」の視覚世界

DOI 機関リポジトリ HANDLE Web Site オープンアクセス


  • Colors and Spaces : The Visual World of Toshiko Tamura's Ikichi
  • イロドラレタ クウカン : タムラシュンコ 「 イキチ 」 ノ シカク セカイ



Toshiko Tamura's novel Ikichi tells the story of the heroine the day before experiencing sexual intercourse for the first time. Previous studies usually examine it from the approach of "the second feeling" (the sense of smell, touch, etc.). This paper, however, focuses on vision and pays attention to the important spaces and colors in the text as seen through the heroine's eyes. This paper illustrates how the colors of red, white and black in each main space of "yadoya" (the space of self-observation), "machi" (the space of mutual-observation) and "tamanorikoya" (the space of performance watching) has an effect on the heroine's psychology. Then, based on the discussion of "virginity" in the historical context, this paper analyzes symbolic scenes in the novel and exposes the heroine's view of virginity. Finally, this paper argues that one of the biggest attractions of this text is that it deals with the difficulty of women's sexuality/life not only on the level of social systems and power relations between men and women, but that it does so exclusively from inside the women themselves.


  • JunCture : 超域的日本文化研究

    JunCture : 超域的日本文化研究 5 92-103, 2014-03-28


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