南極ロケットS-310JA-1,2号機による高周波帯電波放射の観測 : PWHの観測結果


  • ナンキョク ロケット S-310JA-1 2 ゴウキ ニヨル コウシュウハ デンパ ホウシャ ノ カンソク PWH ノ カンソク ケッカ c. ハドウ リュウシ ソウゴ サヨウ ダイ1カイ キョクチ ニオケル デンリケン ジキ ソウゴウ カンソク シンポジウム PART 2
  • Observation of HF Plasma Wave Emissions at Ionospheric Level Using SOunding Rocketes S-310JA-1, 2 in Antarctica
  • ナンキョク ロケット S 310JA 1 2ゴウキ ニヨル コウシュウハタイ





Observations of the plasma wave emissions in a high frequency range from 01 to 10 MHz have been made using the lonospheric sounding rockets S-310JA-1, and 2, launched on February 13, 1976 and on February 10,1977, respectively, from Syowa Station in Antarctica The observed HF plasma waves are characterized by the electrostatic electron cyclotron harmonic waves generated by the beam-wave interaction in the ionosphere The flight of S-310JA-1 rocket was carried out after the termination of a substorm effect, where the drifting electrons were making enhanced precpitation near the rocket path ; enhancement of the HF plasma waves was remarkable at UHR (upper hybrid resonance) frequency and in a frequency range lower than the electron cyclotron frequency associated with nonlinear wave-particle interactions. The S-310JA-2 flight was made during the particle precipitation of a diffuse aurora where the HF emissions were weaker than the case of S-310JA-1, due to soft precipitation of particles


  • 南極資料

    南極資料 64 30-41, 1979-02



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