

  • Influence of Maceration Using a Screw-Type Threshing Combine on Roughage Value of Rice Straw in Japanese Black Cows



The roughage value of macerated rice straw (MRS) discharged from a combine harvester equipped with a screw-type threshing mechanism was evaluated. Test diets were prepared containing approximately 50% MRS or non-treated rice straw. The chewing activity of four Japanese black cows fed each diet sequentially was measured by behavior observation. The roughage value index (RVI) was 59.6 ± 11.3 min/kg for cows on the MRS diet and 71.2 ± 14.2 min/kg for those on the nontreated rice straw diet. No statistical differences in RVI values and time spent ruminating were found between the two groups, though the total time spent eating in the MRS group was shorter (p< 0.05) than that of the control group. The results indicate that the roughage value of MRS is equivalent to that of typical roughage even with the shortened eating time, when the containing ratio of MRS in the diet is approximately 50%.

汎用コンバインを用いて調製した圧砕稲わらの粗飼料価を評価した。圧砕稲わら或いは無処理稲わらを約50%含む試験飼料を4頭の黒毛和種雌牛に給与し、行動観察により咀嚼時間を測定した。圧砕稲わら区および対照区における粗飼料価指数 (RVI) はそれぞれ59.6 ± 11.3 min/kg或いは71.2 ±14.2 min/kgであり、RVIおよび反芻時間について統計的な差はみとめられなかったが、圧砕稲わら区の採食時間は対照区に比べて短く (p<0.05) なった。これらの結果は、飼料組成中の割合が約50%では、圧砕稲わらは採食時間が短くなるものの、粗飼料価は代表的な粗飼料のそれと同等であることを示している。


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